Phase II of the project “CSR for all”
BCM started with the implementation of the second phase of the project ” CSR for All” which will be in addition to promoting the concept of corporate social responsibility, how to deal with reporting by enterprises for sustainable business.
The project, whose total value is 715 000, 00 €, is funded by the European Union under the IPA assistance to civil society organizations, and is a continuation of the two year project (2012-2014 realized).
The project leader is the Employers ‘Confederation of Turkey (TISK), implementing partner in Macedonia is Business Confederation of Macedonia, and partner organizations from Montenegro, Commerce and Industry Chamber of Bulgaria, the Croatian Association of Employers, the National Council of Romania for small and medium enterprises and the Union of Employers of Serbia. The project is implemented with the expert assistance of a global network – the International Organization of Employers (IOE).
Reporting on sustainable business is the exchange of information between companies and all stakeholders about its social responsibility activities in the economic and social fields and environmental protection. The reports that have been published under various names, such as social responsibility, corporate governance, reporting on sustainable business and non-financial reporting, including the contribution of companies in the field of human and labor rights, environmental protection and community service.
Reporting on sustainable business companies has resulted in strengthening the corporate brand and reputation of the company, making sustainable development strategy of the organization and evaluation of effects, etc.
In this sense, BCM in the next two years will implement a number of activities – research, training, publications, while including a number of employers in this concept, closer to the maximum extent possible.
After two years of implementation of the project is expected to increase awareness of the importance of companies for a positive impact on society and the integration of social issues, environmental issues, the Code of Ethics of human and labor rights, consumer rights in its basic strategy.