
Awarded the best Macedonian socially responsible enterprises in 2016

“the integrity with which a company govern itself, fulfills its mission, lives by its value, engages with its stakeholders, measures its impact and reports on its activities”

The mission of  Business Confederation of Macedonia aims to encourage the private sector, public as well as non-profit organizations in Macedonia to develop sustainable activities and to increase the recognition of CSR principles in the public perception. It is designed to show that companies and organizations can strengthen their core business, increase their profitability and competitiveness and at the same time contribute to the country’s development by helping to solve social and ecological problems.

“Organizations around the world and their stakeholders are becoming increasingly aware of the need for and benefits of socially responsible behavior. The objective of social responsibility is to contribute to sustainable development. An organization’s performance in relation to the society in which it operates and to its impact on the environment has become a critical part of measuring its overall performance and its ability to continue operating effectively. This is, in part, a reflection of growing recognition of the need to ensure healthy ecosystems, social equity and good organizational governance. In the long run, all organizations’ activities depend on the health of the world’s ecosystems. Organizations are subject to greater scrutiny by their various stakeholders.” (Social Responsibility Standard ISO 26000, page 6, 2010-11-01)

On 4th November 2016, the National Coordination Body for Corporate Social Responsibility, Department of Ministry of Economy and Business Confederation of Macedonia formally presented national awards for socially responsible practices of businesses in Macedonia.
In the past nine-year period a total number of 165 Macedonian companies implemented  exactly 499 good social responsibility practices, which have shown their commitment to the society and the environment.

This year, in various categories, Macedonian companies submitted a total of 38 projects, supported with stories and reports to verification  of the results.
Evaluation and selection was done by five committees in each of the categories. In the category for most inventive CSR practices was evaluated of special working group  composed of a member from person of each jury.
The categories in which Macedonian companies  are winning the statuette for best socially responsible practices are:

  • Employee Relations
  • Ethical Governance
  • Supplier/Consumer Relations
  • Environmental Relations
  • Investment into the Community
  • Special Award was given for the ”most innovative project” that includes new approach to solving a social problem or a new approach to business that brings benefits to stakeholders.

We are witnessing the growing interest about the award. It was concluded that the number of companies which are investing in socially responsible practices is growing and the awareness among the public about the importance of the CSR also is growing.
The purpose of the National Award is to promote positive practices of socially responsible action and give inspiration for promoting and motivate the companies to be social responsible and to push further improvement of the social responsibility of enterprises in Macedonia.

