+389 2 3224762
Str. Macedonia No.6



Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulatory business model that helps a company be accountable – to itself, to its stakeholders and to society. By practicing corporate social responsibility, companies can be aware of the type of impact they have on all aspects of society, including economic, social and environmental.

First of all, the enterprises are established for the realization of the basic economic activity, but it must be kept in mind that all the functions of the enterprise must be implemented according to the legislation. Hence, the society develops discretionary expectations towards the enterprises in a certain period of time. Through the economic development of enterprises, the social development is developed in parallel, i.e. the four-component definition, which quite explicitly shows the multifaceted nature of corporate social responsibility.

  1. Economic responsibility refers to society’s expectations that organizations will produce goods and services that are needed and desired by customers and will sell those goods and services at a reasonable price.
  2. Legal responsibility refers to the expectation that organizations will operate in accordance with the laws they deal with and the issues of good governance and respect for market competition, including product protection laws, consumer protection laws, and environmental and employment laws. .
  3. Ethical responsibility refers to the social expectations of companies to do more than required by law, i.e. to make special efforts to anticipate and meet social norms, in terms of carrying out all business functions and activities in a fair and just manner.
  4. Discretionary responsibility refers to society’s expectations that companies be good citizens. This may include things like philanthropic support for programs that benefit the community, society, or nation. It may also involve providing expertise to achieve higher common or societal goals.

In the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) Business Confederation of Macedonia, in addition to implementing projects, the services offered are:

  • Legal aid in the field of CSR
  • Mapping the needs, capacities and conditions of CSR
  • Training and mentoring for employees
  • Develop CSR strategies and action plans
  • Informing and consulting for support and access to finance for CSR implementation