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Business Confederation of Macedonia in cooperation with the Institute for Management Support and the Association of Business Women of Macedonia, within the Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, during 2017 will implement a project for support of employment and self-employment of single mothers.

The project will primarily cover women living on the territory of Skopje, Stip and Bitola, but interested people living in the regions that gravitate towards these areas will also have the opportunity to get involved.

Target group:

Single unemployed mothers living on the territory of Skopje, Stip and Bitola;
Unemployed women, victims of domestic violence;
Program goal:

To develop a model for support of single mothers and women victims of domestic violence in the process of their employment and self-employment;

Project elements

1. Educational program for employment and self-employment

The educational program consists of 5 consecutive trainings (modules) in order for the participants to develop basic professional and entrepreneurial skills.

Module 1. Professional communication.
Module 2. Management
Module 3. Teamwork
Module 4. Managing people, tasks and time
Module 5. (selected under A or B)
– А. Employment skills (preparation of CV, motivation letter, analysis of employment opportunities, preparation for an interview), or
– B. Starting a business (market analysis, identifying business opportunities and developing a business plan)

2. Vocational training

Based on the research for the needs of workers of the local business community in each of the locations where the project will take place, the current skills requirements of the employees will be identified, based on which the project participants will receive specific job skills, and further the opportunity directly. to apply for a job with employers in their local community.

3. Mentoring

Participants who will be interested in starting their own business will be assigned a mentor – a successful woman entrepreneur, who in individual meetings over a period of several months will advise and guide them in the process of identifying business opportunities, starting their own business, enabling contacts with potential business partners, presentation to clients and other tips in the process of starting an independent business.

4. Psychosocial support

All participants will have the opportunity to engage in a group support process where experienced social workers and psychologists will work with them in order to increase their self-confidence, motivation and perseverance in finding a job and starting their own company.

Other stakeholders:

Business community – within the project, activities for cooperation with the business community will be implemented, which will harmonize its policies towards the needs of single mothers, and will additionally provide employment opportunities for some of the project participants. The companies that will be involved in this initiative will receive a recognition / plaque for Social Responsibility.

Centers for social work that through the Office for Social Activities will be involved in the process of identifying participants for the program, and some of their employees will be trained to support the employment of vulnerable groups as part of their professional development program.