“Fostering Business and Human Rights Principles” is a project that aims to work with all stakeholders – companies, relevant institutions and decision makers, social partners, civil society organizations and citizens in order to motivate them to take a proactive approach to implementation. of the UN Guiding Principles. The project worked with stakeholders to enable them to recognize their role, provide them with employment opportunities, increase their capacity and support them in their activities.
PROJECT OBJECTIVE: Strengthening economic and social rights in the private sector by fostering Business and Human Rights.
1. Active participation of relevant stakeholders in the political dialogue and awareness raising regarding the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNHRC);
2. Improved understanding, capacity and knowledge of business and human rights guidance in the business community.
- CREATING DATA on the initial situation and identifying opportunities and challenges for integration of human rights in the private sector: дување Conducting research on the human rights situation in the business sector in the country
- Establish a multi-stakeholder dialogue policy to strengthen the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles: Through a participatory process at local and national level, establishing a national cross-sectoral working group and consulting with local actors.
- DEVELOPING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POLICIES FOR THE INTEGRATION OF THE UN LEADING PRINCIPLES IN NATIONAL POLICIES BASED ON EU BEST PRACTICES: Preparation of policy recommendations through the preparation of the NAP or integration into the CSR strategy
- RAISED AWARENESS among stakeholders regarding the UN Guiding Principles as a way of exercising economic and social rights: ƒ Translation and publication of the UN Guiding Principles in Macedonian and Albanian – National Conference on Business and Human Rights
- CREATING AND IMPLEMENTING TOOLS to support companies in integrating the UN Guiding Principles: Developing a handbook, creating a tool for self-assessment and direct support; Support for 5 companies in the implementation of the MAMFORCE standard ƒ Technical support for 5 companies in conducting a preliminary human rights review in the company Introduction of a recognition program to promote good practices; Study visit for the most successful companies in recognizing the importance of VPON in their work.
- STRENGTHENED CAPACITY for up to 80 representatives of private businesses and other stakeholders to promote business and human rights in practice: ƒ Workshop for representatives of relevant institutions and social partners; . Workshops for business representatives.
Implementation period: 01.03.2018 – 31.12.2019.