STATUТЕ – Business Confederation Macedonia
Business Confederation of Macedonia is an employers association , formed of the base of liberty associated between employers for aims realized and adjustment for their interest and for activities with aims: nonprofit activities, connection, partners, together share of the word market , increase of the investigation, productivity and export, training for new technologies, manager skills, productivities skills, news word skills and experience of the industry, internationality connection, assumption and implementation of the EU standards improvement of social dialogue collective negotiation and bargaining , connection and cooperation between technological relation and other activities. Business Confederation is a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization; the Organization supports and adopts laws and Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and the Statute of the International Labor Organization. Does not provide in their political activities or trade union activity, or property or assets to be used in political or trade union purposes.
Business Confederation of Macedonia is independent in the view of achieving goals, interests and activities determined by the statute.
The transparency of the organization is guaranteed to its members and public, with transparent presentation of program, budget and activities the organization. Business Confederation of Macedonia provides regularly informing the members of the association for all activities of the Association, and also report for the material -financial sheet.
The members and widely public has been reporting through information system and info technologies once a year.
Key objectives of the association are
a) Promotion of private initiative and concept on free market economy;
b) Promoting and defending the unity and integrity of entrepreneurship;
c) Encourage economic development based on compliance with legislation, fair rules and legal practices;
d) Development of social dialogue in the country and collective bargaining;
e) Development of forms and programs for development and advancement of knowledge, skills and qualifications;
f) International cooperation, development of regional cooperation;
g) Promoting corporate governance and ethical practices in doing business
Responsibilities of the association are:
a) Presentation and representation of interests of the members of the general and common aspects to all bodies and organizations of the Republic of Macedonia
b) Promoting the entrepreneurial organizations
c) Examination of all the problems that arise with employers who have a general character, alignment decisions on common interests and action of the employers
d) Collective agreements, which affect the position and interests of members
e) Developing recommendations for members and authorized representatives of the organization in terms of representing the fields objectives and interests
f) Provision of services to other related and specific organizations
g) Promoting modern methods and techniques of management of enterprises
h) Establishing, maintaining and improving relationships with domestic, foreign and international institutions
Rights of the full members are:
a) to appoint a representative member of the Assembly of the Association (hereinafter referred to as – representative);
b) to use the services in a manner governed by Regulations The rights of the representatives on the Board are:c) To elect and be elected representatives to managerial positions
b) promptly inform and be informed of the action and the rights that are important to members c) To intervene in matters within the prescribed norms
d) Feel free to exhibit their opinion on all matters of interest to management and organization as well as formulating suggestions and applications to other bodies
e) To require the association to take measures in order to defend the interests of members representing
f) to contribute their votes to adopt the agreement and rules on the Board or other bodies which are delegated
Obligations of the full member of the association are:
a) Compliance with all applicable agreements accepted by the Board
b) Not to interfere, directly or indirectly, the activities of the association
c) Submission of information on issues of particular interest to the association when it require governing bodies of the association
d) payment of membership of the association in the amount that is determined by the Board
– Assembly of the Association -Governing bodies of the association is:
1.Governing Board
2. Supervisory Board – Managerial positions of the association are:
– Honorary President
– Executive chairman
– Secretary General